Approximately 20% of the adult population have gallstones. Of this group, roughly 20% have problems due to gallstones:
This is severe and intermittent upper abdominal pain. It can occur any time and after the first attack of pain removal of the gallbladder by keyhole surgery should be considered
Not only can this cause upper abdominal pain, but it can also cause a fever and signs of infection. The most effective treatment for an episode of cholecystitis is removal of the gallbladder by keyhole surgery
If gallstones pass into the bile ducts they can cause a range of serious problems: pain, jaundice, infection, pancreatitis. In all of these circumstances a specialist should be consulted as soon as possible. Treatment may well be surgical (laparoscopic) or endoscopic (ERCP)
Using keyhole surgery (a telescope at the umbilicus and 3 other 5mm telescopic incisions) the gallbladder can be removed very safely within 45 minutes on average. The procedure is usually a day case, so patients can go home the same day and then take it easy for about 7days
Most specialist surgeons perform this whilst undertaking laparoscopic cholecystectomy. It is an extra intraoperative step that allows visualisation of the bile duct to ensure that no stones have slipped out of the gallbladder
Similar to laparoscopic on table cholangiogram, an extra (and intricate) intraoperative step is undertaken in order to remove gallstones that have slipped out of the gallbladder and into the bile ducts